31 March 2010

Dinner Out

A little over two weeks ago I threatened Hirono that I wouldn't shave until we went out together, just the two of us. It took a bit over a week before she realized I was serious. We finally made it out tonight for dinner. It was a local Cyprus cuisine restaurant. A bit overpriced for the quality but still pretty good. Their wine list was quite good. The most important part was that we could spend about two hours alone together over a nice dinner and glass of wine. It was the first time the two of us had gone to dinner alone since before the girls were born.


Toast said...

Good for you guys.

Tracy said...

Wow. I'm glad you're getting to the period where you can do things together alone.

Unknown said...

Thanks. Yeah, its a big improvement.

FriĆ°vin said...

Sometimes it takes thinking outside the box to make it happen! Glad you were able to come up with an idea that worked! Sounds like a nice evening.